Taniwha story

On one fine morning Tom the taniwha woke up from his seaweed bed and said what will l do today?he took out his map to see were he could go to have some fun on the map the he could see a park he want to go there with his friend so he called his friend on his shell phone his friend Fishy pick up his shell phone and said hello this is Fishy talking Tom ask Fishy lf he would like to go to the park with him Fishy said hmm okay Tom hang up the shell phone before Fishy change his mind.On the way to the park Tom could see the krusty krab so he got two krabby patty for his friend and he got one pack of kelp chip for himself he paid Mr.krab ten sand coin and left. As he was walking he could see his friend his friend Fishy biting on a fish hook the hook got higher and higher and then the hook flew in the air Tom try to save his friend but it was too late a speedboat took his friend away he was sad but he did not give up even lf speed boats are fast taniwhas could be faster. Tom swam and swam and swam for hours but then he got tried to tried to to chase the speed boat but he had an idea got three ell and wave a krabby patty in their faces the ells were chasing the krabby patty and Tom was sitting on the ells Tom was almost   there but then the ell bump their heads on the speed boat and ran away because scared of the man in the boat Tom jump in boat put Fishy in the sea and jump back in the water the man in swam away in his speed boat. Tom and Fishy ate their food in the sunset the end.

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