Category: Hanga | Create

Teddy writing

One cold morning I was sleepy because I woke up early for school. A little kid holding me dropped me on the bus I was trying to get out of the school bus but I couldn’t let the kids on the but known I could walk and talk so I had to wait for all the kid to get of the bus after all the kid got off the bus I try really hard to get of the bus but it was tricky because I was so sleepy so I just went to bed on the bus.

I woke up I saw a tall man but I didn’t think to much of it  all of a sudden the tall man pick me up and took me to a blue house. He put me on a pink bed I was scared and sleepy at the same time I thought to myself this day can’t get any more random. I could see a two shoelaces and a toothpick I made a plan if I tied the shoelaces together I could use it like a rope to climb to the window and I could use the toothpick to open the window just enough for me to fit through the window.

But I could hear a tapping noise coming from outside it was a dog I knew if I jump outside that dog would think I was dog toy so I had to make a new plan I look around the room  but there was nothing I could use to help me so I check the living room nobody was home. I saw a small rubber ball I took the ball to the pink room and toss the it out the window the dog chase the ball I ran out the window before the dog saw me. Then I saw the little girl who dropped me on the but she was crying I quickly laid on the ground so she didn’t know I could walk and talk stopped crying when she pick and then she hug me then she walk home.

I was back home again it was dark outside so we went to bed I finally was sleeping in my bed I smiled and peacefully closed my eyes.