Category: Hanga | Create

Mt wellingtion story writing

On our school trip to Mt wellingtion l got to see and learn so many cool new thing and l can tell you all about it. At Mt wellingtion as we were walking up Mt wellingtion l could all sorts of plants l could see big ones see small and l could see ones fluffy ones  soft ones it was great  to see so many cool plant it l also got to learn about Mt wellingtion history their put pipi shell on the paths because lf anyone try to sneak in they would cut their feet on sharp pipi shells. That is what happen on my trip

Kia ora! My name is Te Rauaroha

Kia ora! My name is Te Rauaroha, I go to Panmure Bridge School. I am in year 5 and my teacher is miss Lowans. My favourite subject is math  and I enjoy learning about math and reading.  I am good at drawing.  My goal for this year is to be better at writing. In my spare time I like to drawing bunny.

Maori Superhero


The kickstart activity for the Summer Learning Journey task, we had to make our own superhero. I have made my own superhero named Aroha AraMoana. She is a Sea Superhero Protector of the sea and was raised by Aquaman. My superhero was abandoned by her parents just because she had the powers to control the sea.

This Kickstart activity was fun because I had the chance to use my imagination and use ai crayon to create my superhero.