In maths I learnt how to read 12 hour time and 24 hour time
Te Rauaroha up to 6 digit pv
I did my number of the day so I can learn my place vale
Number of the day 4 digit
In Maths I had tomake his number in many ways to learn about place vale
We made pikelets for math beause we had to measure the ingredients to make them.
Length and distances
The differences beweet length and distances is that Length is the height of a object and distances is how far away a place is.
Multiplication with place value
In maths I use multiplication with place value to solve these questions
Place vaule
In maths I learnt place vaule and browing numbers I need to borrow when a number is to low to minus
I learnt about Area in this slidedeck
up to 6 digit place value
I learnt about Place Value in this slideshow
Maths – 3D Shapes – Nets
in maths I have been learning to use nets to make 3D shape